We are Ready for Some....


Ok, I need to let you in on a little secret. 

This time of year there are distractions. Things don't get done like they should because I have a short attention span when I hear the roar of the crowd. Blog posts get piled up.  Processing images slows down, the lawn gets a bit shaggy and even the cat might miss a meal or two.

Cut me some slack casue the 49ers may have a real team this year.

It's been a way toooo looong wait.  And I REALLY intend on enjoying this full season.  That means no sessions on Monday nights, Do Not Disturb on ALL Sundays and certain Thursday evenings I will be "on location".

Hope you join me for the Pro teams or the local high school games. Gonna be a great year...


Redding Senior Photography


Aloha from 1898...