How to Get a Great Portrait
How to get a great portrait with TA Schmidt Photography
Getting a great portrait is really a bit more complicated than it should be. You could just sorta show up and hope for the best.Or you could do a little bit of planning and prep by following our simple three step process.
First you want to decide what you want to do with the photo.
What is the end product you really want?Is it for graduation pictures, a sassy gift for boyfriend or husband, a headshot for your business card or to create a wonderful canvas print to be displayed over your home fireplace.Do you want a formal or casual style.Should the final image be vertical or horizontal?Are you thinking color, black and white or a toned image?Will it be framed for the wall, a canvas Museum Wrap or one of the sweet new metal prints?
Next, what will you (all) be wearing?
Even for an individual photo session we suggest bringing more than one outfit.You know not all cuts and colors photograph like you would expect and having a change at hand guarantees you the look you want.Of course the usual rules of art and design still apply, keep it simple, darker shades hide size and weight, nobody looks great in orange and avoid patterns and graphics.
Finally, believe it or not time of day is important!
For family and children's sessions we strongly suggest mornings when everyone is fresh.Yes, we know it is so much harder on Mom getting the gang together, fed, clothing and cleaned.But Mom also knows that tired, cranky and hungry kids make for a nightmare photoshoot when it happens too late in the day!Even adults have a good/bad time of day.Some people are "puffy" in the morning.Others can see and feel their skins and eyes sagging in the afternoon. You choose the time that is best for you to get great results.
When you are ready to schedule your time call Jeremy Robison Portraits at (530) 945-3693 to lock down your time and even more helpful hints on how to get a great portrait.