Children Easter Photos Done Here in Redding

WANTED: Adorable Kids!

Easter weekend coming up and many little girls have new Spring outfits that would be great for the Adorable Kids Contest. So far we have been having a ball with all the creative combinations of clothing and props Moms have brought to the downtown Jeremy Robison Portraits studio. Your two outfit sessions should have one nice set of clothing and one that tells a story about your child or family.  Something that shows your unique visual DNA and something that will trigger memories years from now to this special time. Your photoshoot, a contest print, and one photo for you is still only $29 per child. Automatically you are in the national contest with over $7,000 of prizes. But more importantly, you get some wonderful photos of your boys or girls ages 3 months to 12 years. (Newborns are a bit more due to the extended session time involved to get all the photos you want) Call (530) 945-3693 to snag your session time.


Redding Photographer Part of Wizard Academy Book Photoshoot


Redding Children Photo Contest Ending Soon