Redding Weekend Kids Photoshoots
Tomorrow is another Saturday with a full schedule of kids for the 2015 Adorable Kids Contest.This year's program is going strong and we are getting the most boys ever. Most years we see 80% girls but this time around it is almost a dead match! Still time for the 2 for 1 special if you have a couple kids. Only $29 for TWO studio two outfit sessions and prints for you and the contest. Kids 3 months through 12 years.
Newborns too at our regular $100 session charge for the extra time and props. Remember we like to see two different clothing changes. One should be the classic photo nice change. The second should be a theme, a story, an interest or hobby of the child or family. Props and pets are encouraged to the point of being required! What makes your North state child unique? How can we best show off personality and adorable expressions? Call to schedule or work out clothing details.
Jeremy Robison Portraits at (530) 945-3693. Like us on Facebook to see each day what we have going on in the studio and on location.