Redding Winters are Alright...

While our family and friends back East get hammered with yet another Polar Vortex or some new way to freeze their behinds off, we continue to have our mild California rains and slowly cooling temperatures. Imagine having six FEET of snow to deal with trying to get to work, go shopping or school! Even with our higher taxes and screwy state government, there are still reasons to stay in our great state.

Speaking of winter, it is time for our annual FROZEN theme photo sessions for 2014. Inspired by the hit Disney movie and after seeing dozens of little girls dressed for the part during Halloween we even added an extra day to our usual weekend shoot. Monday, December 1, Friday the 5th and Saturday the 6th your little girl can live the part she dreams and sings about. Only $39 gets you a custom studio session, she can wear her clothing our use our custom-made dresses, plus you get 30 Christmas cards made from our fav vendor Spots are limited so call 244-2636 to lock in your time.

Of course, little boys are invited too! Dress up your little woodsman like a lumberjack and make it a FROZEN Christmas for all the kids.


Get a Pet Portrait with Your Favorite Critter in Redding


Pageants, Performances and Modeling for Redding Kids