Kids and Photos... the Perfect Match!

For over 30 years we have been the #1 Redding Photographer for kids of all ages.

With the large studio and different camera rooms, the outdoor portrait park and the ability to shoot anywhere on location using the tools of a professional,  Redding parents have always expected and received images that told the story of their child.

While some photographers are satisfied with the easy cheesey smiles, Photography has worked to get two specific looks on each child.

Innocence, that sweet "little monkey" that wants to cuddle and be held.

Rambunctious, the ball of energy that moves at the speed of light with endless questions and runs top speed until they crash for the evening.

You choose the style of photography and finally the expressions you want to remember this age.

Is it worth getting the best for you and your child?


Finally, Some Football! Go 49ers


Redding Photographer Sees 2014 Seniors Keep on Coming!