Welcome 2013 Seniors

It's that time of year again when we focus much of our time, energy and creativity on high school seniors. We do them all, Enterprise, Shasta, Foothill, Anderson, the twin valley schools of West Valley and Central Valley, UPrep and of course the charter and Christian schools. Of course, we also have kids coming down the mountain from Burney, Mt Shasta, and even Yreka. Even more make the drive North from Red Bluff, Corning, and a few each year from Chico.

If your school still does the silly contract thing forcing you to do your yearbook pix with "the Man", remember you CAN and Should see your other options for your personal photos. You do NOT have to buy the generic shots taken with your contract shooter.

When you are ready for your free clothing and style consultation give us a call to chat on the phone at (530) 945-3693 or you can set up a studio tour appointment to see all the sweet options you get at a real studio that is open for your convenience 6 days a week!


One of My Favorite Sessions


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