Redding Kids Pictures

Clients know I call all little kids Monkeys.

During this time of year we see LOTS of Monkeys and many of them are repeat clients that have been with us for years. (In some cases they were little Monkeys 30+ years ago when we were still the new studio in town!)

One of the fun parts of the biz is the relationship we carry forward with the kids. For me it is hard to go to the mall or a restaurant without having a Monkey or two want to come over and play or at least slap a high five.

Our Adorable Kids Contest sessions are FUN. For just $9.95 you get the true studio experience and end up with photos that will be priceless as your child grows older. If you are tired of burning cash on school pix  you don't like or standing in line for $5 big box photos looking like everyone else’s pix, try a real studio that knows how to play with Monkeys. 

Photography is the perfect zoo to show off your child.


Redding Sports Photography


High School Senior Pictures